Magic Button runs on Pocket PC 2002, 2003, 2003SE and Windows Mobile 5.0. VGA screen is supported.
If you have installed the software, here is how to master the tool:
* To unload (shutdown) Magic Button: Tap and hold on Close button, then tap and hold on Home icon.
* To show/hide the taskbar: tap and hold the OK/Minimize/Close button.
To show the application menu that has Settings and Exit menu items: tap and hold Today (Home) icon when it is visible.
* Map a PocketPC application button to Magic Button software then you can show/hide the bar easier by pressing the button.
* To close an individual window: tap and hold its window icon on the task bar.
* To change Close Button behaviour (Close instead of Minimize) for an application: tap and hold on the app icon and select "Keep Alive" option.
Download Magicbuton .EXE
Download mbutton.PPC_ARM.CAB